I was born and raised in Montgomery, AL and moved to Huntsville two years ago. I had a lot going on in my life from a very young age. My mom suffered a very bad car wreck when I was six, which paralyzed her. I was unable to process the hurt & shock of my mom’s sudden limitations.
This was traumatic and changed my life because my mom was no longer able to attend the things that were important to me, so I became an angry child. But now that I look back, that obstacle molded me into who I am today. Â

The WEDC Foundation has helped me in so many ways since becoming a scholar. Financially, yes, but most importantly, they have helped me develop mentally and emotionally as a young woman. The WEDCF has given me opportunities I’ve never had, from networking & events, to meeting wonderful people, and I am proud to represent a scholarship organization whose mission is to support WOMEN. My involvement with the WEDCF has changed me as a person. There was a lot that I wouldn't do before that I can do now. I am a very quiet person but I have found a connection with the other female scholars who are just like me. After I graduate with my bachelor's degree in education I plan to one day become a mentor and help other young women find their way. I will continue my education goals as a teacher and help our future lawyers, doctors, nurses, and teachers to prosper.Â
Where you come from is different from where you are going, so don't let one bump in the road steer you off course. Keep going and keep pushing! - Au'Tum